Saltwater License
A Florida saltwater fishing license is required to fish in saltwater or to possess saltwater species.
Bait is not included in bag limits. Saltwater bait: shrimp, minnows, pilchards, pinfish, mullet, mojarras (shad), or ballyhoo. Bait may be taken with hook and line, dip net (not wider than 3 feet / 0.9 m), and cast net.
Manatee Etiquette
Areas frequented by manatees have been posted. Keep an eye out for manatees. Slow to an idle if observed, but do not approach or molest.
Lobster and Queen Conch
The taking and possession of lobster and queen conch is prohibited.
Recreational Crabbing
Stone crabs, during open state season, and blue crabs may be taken by recreational fishermen using attended gear (for example: star trap, baited line, landing net, etc.). Crabbers are limited to five (5) traps. Unattended gear, including traps, is prohibited.
Shrimp may be taken by dip net (not wider than 3 feet / 0.9 m) or cast net, personal use only, not for sale.